Sanjaya K. Dash, Ph.D.
College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology
Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology

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Prof. Sanjaya K Dash has obtained his B. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) from OUAT in 1987, M. Eng. (Ag.) from Rajasthan Agriculture University in 1989 and Ph.D. from IARI, New Delhi in 1999. He has been working in Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology (OUAT), Bhubaneswar in different capacities since 1989 and as the Dean of the Faculty since June 2017. He has also earlier handled the responsibility of the Dean, Students’ Welfare (additional charge) of the University from Sep, 2018 to June 2021. In addition, he is also managing the responsibilities of Dean, Industry and Academia Affairs since July, 2023, Nodal Officer, OUAT- Alumni Coordination Committee since June, 2021 and Chairman, Technology Management Cell of the University since October, 2020. He is also the Nodal Officer, State Level Technical Institute, PMFME, Odisha. Earlier to his joining as Dean, he worked as the Head, Dept. of Processing and Food Engineering at OUAT for 6 years.

Prof. Dash has handled eight externally funded projects including being the CPI of one NAIP project of ICAR. He has guided three Ph.D. scholars and 18 M. Tech. students. His present research interests include value chain management of perishables, innovative food packaging as well as grain processing. Prof. Dash has eight books with ISBN, four book chapters and 12 course manuals, more than 80 research publications in national/ international journals and more than one hundred fifty popular technical articles to his credit. Most of his authored books are included as text/ reference books in different SAUs/ technical universities. One of his book was given the Best Book Award by ISAE for 2019.

Prof. Dash has been a Visiting faculty/ Adjunct Professor/ Resource person to many central and state agricultural universities, ICAR institutes and Management Institutes. He has worked as a member of many important committees at National and State levels including member, QRT and PRT for several institutes, Member, BoS of SAUs/ CAUs, and state universities. He is a member of editorial board of four research journals and has contributed as referee of many national/ international journals and reviewer of project proposals of ICAR and other agencies. Prof. Dash has visited countries like Israel (under MASHAV fellowship), Germany (under DAAD fellowship), Netherlands (under NUFFIC fellowship), USA (under Indo-US AKI program and under NAIP) and Canada under different professional assignments.

He has received many awards for his professional contributions, which include the Samanta Chandrasekhar Award (Govt. of Odisha) during 2018, Fellow of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) during 2018, Commendation medal from ISAE during 2014, Best Teacher Award of OUAT during 2008, Distinguished Services Award from ISAE during 2006, as well as several awards for research papers/ presentations. He has been conferred with the Fellowships of Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) and Institution of Engineers (I) and Professional Engineer status by the Engineering Council of India. Prof. Dash is a life member of many professional societies and has worked as the Director, Processing, Dairy and Food Engineering section of the Indian Society of Agricultural Engineers (ISAE) during 2019-21.

The academic staff comprises experienced faculty from diverse fields. The high calibre of the staff comes across through the composition of the faculty consisting of professionally qualified individuals. The college extracts several visiting faculties from the industry, thus incorporating their practical experience into teaching.

The college believes that teaching is the art of simplifying knowledge and information without diluting it. In accordance with this ideology, the college has been effectively developing innovative teaching methods such as:

  • Presentations/discussions and classroom debates.
  • Home assignments evaluated, by faculty members, and feedback given to the students.
  • Reference websites details given to students for gathering additional information to supplement learning.
  • Organizing guest lecturers for the benefit of the students.
  • Additional coaching for students excelling in sports and also for students requiring remedial training.
  • Encouraging students to solve past papers of different examinations like GATE,JRF, which are methodically assessed.

Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Dr. Ajaya Kumar Dash Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech (Ag. Engg),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 28 years
2 Dr. Bijay Kumar Behera Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech (Ag. Engg & Tech),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 16 years
3 Dr. Jayanarayan Mishra Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.), M. Tech. (Agril. Engg.) ,B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 24 years
4 Dr. Mahendra Kumar Mohanty Professor Ph.D., M. Tech.(FMP.),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 28 years
5 Dr. Markandeya Mahapatra Associate Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech (Agril. Engg.),B.Tech.(Ag. Engg.) 30 years
6 Dr. Padma Lochan Pradhan Associate Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech. (Agril. Engg.),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 28 years
7 Dr. Rama Chandra Dash Professor & HOD Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech (Agril. Engg & Tech),B.Tech.(Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 29 years
8 Dr. Santosh Kumar Mohanty Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Sc. (Ag. Engg.) ,B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 29 years
9 Dr. Sangram Keshari Swain Research Engineer Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M.Sc. (Ag.Engg & Tech),B.Sc. (Ag.Engg & Tech) 33 years
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Biodata
1 Dr.Ambika Prasad Sahu Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M.Sc.(Ag. Engg. & Tech.),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.)
2 Dr. Bharat Chandra Sahoo Associate Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech. (Agril. Engg.),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.)
3 Dr. Jagadish Chandra Paul Professor & HOD Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech),B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.)
3 Dr. Prachi Pratyasha Jena Assistant Professor Ph.D. (LWRE),M.Tech (SWCE),B.Tech(Ag. Engg. & Tech.)
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Dr.Chinmaya Kishore Bakhara Assistant Research Engineer B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.), ,M. Tech (Post Harvest Engg.), Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.) 29 years
2 Dr.(Mrs.) Kalpana Rayaguru Professor and Head B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.), M.Tech (Post Harvest Engg), Ph.D. (Post Harvest Process and Food Engineering) 28 years
3 Dr. Manoj Kumar Panda Research Engineer B.Sc((Agricultural Engineering and Technology), M. Tech. (Post Harvest Technology) , Ph.D.(Agricultural Engineering) 28 years
4 Dr.(Mrs.) Minati Mohapatra Assistant Professor B.Tech (Agril. Engg),M. Tech (Agril. Engg.), Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.) 14 years
5 Dr. Nihar Ranjan Sahoo Associate Professor B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.),M. Sc. (Food Technology) , Ph.D. (Post Harvest Engineering) 24 years
6 Dr. Sanjaya Kumar Dash Professor and Dean B.Sc. (Ag. Engg. & Tech.), M. Eng.(Ag.),Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.) 28 years
7 Dr. Uma Sankar Pal. Associate Professor B. Tech. (Ag. Engg), M. Tech ( Post Harvest Engineering), Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.) 21 years
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Dr. Prasanta Kumar Barik Assistant Professor Ph. D ( Electrical Engineering), M.Tech (Power Electronics and Drives),B.E. ( Electrical Engineering ) 12 years
2 Dr. Subhrajit Ray Assistant Professor & HOD M.Tech(Production Engineering),B.E. (Mechanical Engineering ) 9 years
3 Mrs Sonali Das Assistant Professor M.Tech(Computer Science Engineering) 15 years
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Dr. Rashmi Ranjan Pattnaik Professor & HOD Ph.D. (Civil) ,M.E.(Civil), B.Sc Engg (Civil) 30 years
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Raul Associate Professor Ph.D. (Agril. Engg.),M. Tech (Agril. Engg & Tech),B.Tech.(Ag. Engg. & Tech.) 16 years
2 Sri Saurajeet Acharya Assistant Professor B.E. ( Electrical Engineering ) 6 years
Sl No Name Position/Designation Qualification Experience of Teaching & Research Biodata
1 Mrs Sonali Das Assistant Professor M.Tech(Computer Science Engineering) 15 years